The Children’s Hospice South West is such a terrific cause and one that Bob Irwin and the Triangle Networks team have been supporting for some time. Last year Bob and colleague Jamie completed 12 half marathons in 12 months for the charity, raising over £3,000.
Having previously visited one of the CHSW facilities, the motivation for the fundraising was not difficult to find, visiting the grounds near Clevedon it is an emotional experience and one that impacted the team a great deal.
But with social distancing in place, many of this years’ fundraising activities are not possible. Bob decided he would continue to do what he could under the circumstances. The latest challenge being a tough task of a 10k run every day, for 10 days. Whilst no doubt the running will be difficult, being able to support this great charity at this time is something Bob feels strongly that he would like to continue doing.
Bob says, “The #BeIncredible campaign is something absolutely anyone and everyone should get involved in, whether that’s running or even making cakes… just get involved!”
Today Bob completed his 10th run and in doing so, the 100Km challenge!
If you would like to support Bob, you can do so at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/robert-irwin4